The members of Lutheran Students Christian Fellowship (LSCF) of the University of Goroka have established and registered Papua New Guinea Soul Harvest Mission Inc (PNGSHM), a new mission organization recently incorporated under Investment Promotion Authority (IPA). PNGSHM is established to facilitate and send out missionaries into the world to spread the gospel.
The official launching of the PNGSHM was held at St. Mathews Lutheran Church in Goroka on the 17th-18th December, 2016. The former members of LSCF and St Mathews Lutheran Church English service, while being students at the University of Goroka, Goroka Technical College and Highlands Regional College of Nursing have come together and officially launched PNGSHM with the gathering of believers coming from different parts of the country.
The purpose of establishing PNGSHM is to facilitate and groom born again believers who are called and set apart for the Great Commission. It includes ordained individuals, young men and women, couple and working classes who have the desire and passion to be involved in facilitating God’s mission in the unreach nations. PNGSHM partners with other mission agencies, church and other Christian organizations and resourceful individual people to educate and to train and equip the missionaries with mission strategies and tools in order to commission them to the mission fields.
Following the launching, PNGSHM commissioned Paul Mondo and Ivan Wii as first missionaries of PNGSHM to serve overseas. Paul is currently moving from India with his wife Nancy and their daughter Nimbine and serving in Thailand. Ivan is serving in Philippines through business in missions. PNGSHM is working forward to send more missionaries in the years to come.
PNGSHM focuses in the regions of Asia as there is greater need for reaching the unreached population. Currently, through its missionaries, networks have been established through Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore, Philippines and India. Paul and Nancy have established number of ministry networks and recently serving in Thailand, while directing and advising the management of Eden Mission School in Nagaland, India.
The executives of PNGSHM are honored and welcoming individual, churches and organisation who would like to partner with PNGSHM and to involve in God’s mission to carry out the task of the Great Commission.
“All nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name.” Psalm 86:9